NUS president Shakira Martin accused of bullying at union HQ


NUS president Shakira Martin accused of bullying at union HQ

National Union of Students leader denies allegations and claims she is victim of racism

Sally Weale Education correspondent

Wed 31 Jan 2018 19.37 GMT

Last modified on Wed 31 Jan 2018 22.01 GMT

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The National Union of Students is conducting an investigation after allegations of bullying and intimidation were made against the NUS president, Shakira Martin, by fellow officers.

Martin has denied the allegations, accusing her critics of electioneering as campaigning begins in earnest ahead of NUS officer elections in March. She has also made counter allegations, claiming she is a victim of 「racism and classism」.

With growing tension at the headquarters in London, all union officers have been told to work from home this week while the complaints are investigated. An NUS spokesperson said it was an interim measure 「to protect all parties」.

It is understood there have been 「a couple」 of complaints about Martin’s conduct relating to a specific incident in NUS offices last December. In an interview with the Guardian, she admitted she had 「lost it」 on that occasion after being provoked.

Further allegations have been made against her on social media, which Martin herself has asked to be investigated. She has also called for the behaviour of a number of fellow officers to be investigated, in the context of potential breaches of the code of conduct that governs elected officers.

One of the complainants against Martin is the NUS women’s officer, Hareem Ghani, who claimed Martin had shouted and sworn at officers on a number of occasions. 「Whilst I am sure Shakira Martin is under immense pressure, I do not think this behaviour is befitting or acceptable for a president,」 she said.

「People should feel safe and secure in their place of work. They shouldn』t be made to feel anxious or upset at the prospect of being in the same environment as the president.」

Martin vehemently denied being a bully and said bullying should play no part in student politics. She said she felt traumatised by the attacks against her on social media, which had brought her close to quitting her role, and claimed they fed into a stereotype of an angry black woman.

「I believe the victimisation I』ve suffered is because I』m a black, working-class woman,」 she said. 「For the past few weeks I』ve been a victim of racism and classism.

「I don』t have a degree. I』m a single parent. I』m aware of how I sound. To people that know me – yeah, that’s Shakira. To people that don』t know me, it’s creating that picture and it’s a false picture.

「I』m a strong, outspoken, articulate black woman that likes piercings and tattoos and I』ve got swagger. I』m not going to change myself. I』m not going to be anything but Shakira – rough around the edges, straight talking, authentic, real Shakira.」

Martin, 29, one of nine siblings raised in Lewisham, south London, by Jamaican parents, rose up the ranks to become NUS president after becoming involved in student politics while in further education.

She was regarded by many as a genuinely fresh voice in the NUS, with a mission to focus on the practical concerns of students and to highlight the economic, cultural and social barriers that deter poorer students from going to university.

She was elected to the role of president last April, promising to unite the student body which had become fragmented under the leadership of her predecessor, Malia Bouattia. Many in the NUS will be dismayed to see cracks reopen at a time when the government has promised a review of higher education funding after years of campaigning by students. Martin has said she intends to stand for re-election.

An NUS spokesperson, confirming that a number of complaints were under investigation, said: 「All officers are still able to carry out the duties within their role while the allegations are being reviewed.

「While it is a not a situation the organisation wants to be in, there are a series of measures that have been put in place to ensure the safety and support of staff, officers and volunteers is made a top priority.

「We take the health and wellbeing of those that work for us seriously and any breaches of codes of conduct will be dealt with appropriately.」



Higher education


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